WONCA Europe Newsletter
September 2023
We are excited to share with you the September edition of our newsletter after the summer break.
You may find out about our Networks and Special Interest Groups activities.
Those who missed our very successful and popular WEBINAR: Intro to Lifestyle as Medicine may find recording on our Website.
Furthermore, you may learn more about the very productive WONCA Europe Council Meeting 2023 as well as the WONCA Europe Executive Board monthly meetings.
Also in this edition is the WONCA Europe 2023 Brussels statement on the Shortage of European Primary Health Care Workforce Statement
We would like to congratulate Dr Pavlo Kolesnyk, who was awarded WONCA Europe 5 star doctor 2023 whose acceptance speech can be found in this edition, as well as an update on Interfamily Clinic that is going to celebrate its first anniversary on 26th September. We congratulate its staff for all the hard work and perseverance over the past year.
Please keep updated visiting our web page and follow us in our Twitter (@WoncaEurope), Facebook and LinkedIn.
On behalf of WONCA Europe Executive Board
Thomas Frese, President-elect
Jose M Bueno, EQuiP Member at large
WONCA Europe Newsletter Editors
The WONCA Europe president’s corner
Dear Members,
I hope you had a rejuvenating summer break and are now recharged with a renewed sense of enthusiasm. As we reassemble after our successful conference in Brussels just before the summer, we are delighted to present you with this edition of our newsletter. Within these pages, you will discover insightful articles that recap the highlights of the conference and provide you with invaluable updates.
Your feedback and contributions are integral to the continued growth and success of WONCA. We anticipate your insights and active participation in shaping the forthcoming editions.
Our thoughts are with the GPs and people of Greece, Morocco and Libia, as they recover from the recent natural disasters that have affected their countries.
Yours sincerely,
Prof Shlomo Vinker
WONCA Europe President
Upcoming Events
You may send your events and news articles directly to our website by logging into your Wonca Europe account. Please send other materials, such as interesting stories and reflections, to SecretariatEurope@wonca.net for our upcoming editions. We ask you to send the newsletter to all your colleagues and to share it on your website / Facebook / Twitter homepage.